Wednesday 16 January 2013

Rosie’s Magic Horse

Rosie’s Magic Horse by Russell Hoban, illustrated by Quentin Blake (Walker Books)
HB RRP $24.95
ISBN 9781406339826
Reviewed by Anastasia Gonis

This delightful story, beautifully illustrated in watercolour and ink in Blake’s easily identifiable style, carries a strong message of hope. It represents the endless possibilities that life holds and the magic of dreams come true.

It all began with a new cast away icy-pole stick. It was picked up by Rosie and added to the collection in her cigar box. The old sticks believed they were useless, and nothing. The new one told them that it can be something wonderful like a horse. Desire is born in the others. They too, want to be a horse. A dream is born to all the sticks which renews hope and life in them all.

Rosie’s parents are unable to pay their bills. As she wishes that night that her cigar box was full of treasure that would pay for their bills, her hands unconsciously create a stick horse. “A horse can’t pay the bills” says Rosie before she falls asleep.

In her dream, Rosie astride Stickerino the stick horse, searches for treasure. They pass over cities and jungles, oceans and deserts until they come to an icy-pole mountain which is a treasure in itself. But it is pirate treasure she wants. Her longing becomes an adventure with pirates and icy-pole sticks and a casket of treasure. Rosie grabs the casket and escapes on Stickerino.

With the morning, the treasure from Rosie’s dream has materialised. Dreams can come true. Sticks can become something - even if they’re old.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great book. I used to read this to my son before going to bed. He has a little pony stuff toy so every time I'm reading to him, I used that as a dummy while acting on it.

    -Bethany Morrison


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