Wednesday 13 November 2013

An Aussie Year – Sneak Peek at July

Sneak Peek and Win! A year’s subscription to Buzz Words Industry Magazine.

We’re celebrating the release of An Aussie Year, with a fantastic prize—a year’s subscription (or extension) to Buzz Words, valued at $48! To win, just leave a comment on this post, 40 words or less, telling us your favourite month as a child, and why.

July is a delicious time of the year for Aussie Kids. Most states have school holidays and it’s a great time to head to the snow. Kids unable to get to the ski fields in New South Wales and Victoria, might enjoy heading to a local skate rink for some wintry fun.

There aren’t as many events or festivals happening in July, but an important one does take centre stage—it’s NAIDOC week—a time celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their cultures.

Netball season begins in July which is the perfect time, because those netball-vital orange segments are at their juiciest this time of year.

Sometimes, people celebrate Christmas in July with traditional meals, crackers and gifts. Australians come from all over the world—many from countries where Christmas is celebrated during winter with hot meals and lots of snow. Christmas in July is a way to honour traditions and festivities from the ‘home country’.

July is also a great time to snuggle indoors or … escape to warmer places like the Great Barrier Reef!

Read what Buzz Words thinks about An Aussie Year in our review and follow the An Aussie Year Virtual Tour and join Ned, Zoe, Lily, Kirra and Matilda on this journey around the webosphere, from 21 October to 21 November. There will be reviews, sneak peeks, guest posts and lots of fabulous giveaways including some publishing opps!

Visit the An Aussie Year website ( to meet all the characters from the book, see updates and behind-the-scenes work. There’s also some Fun Activities for kids.

About the Creators:

Tania McCartney is a book-obsessed author, editor, reviewer, photographer, traveller, mum of two and wife of one. She simply adores words and paper—and would ingest them if she could (though she’ll settle for a good coffee). She frequently flits around cyberspace but can also be seen visiting schools and libraries, running workshops, reading to kids or pushing tomes onto unsuspecting shoppers in bookshops. Tania lives in Canberra, but would like to live inside a book.

Tina Snerling is a designer, illustrator, artist, web designer, seamstress and mum. She adores Paris, fabric, design and paper. She lives a very illustrated life—one day she’s creating children's books, the next she’s creating websites (in between the washing and school lunches!). She’s the type who has a notebook by her bed because most good ideas happen when you’re supposed to be sleeping. She lives in Brisbane with her two gorgeous poppets and one gorgeous husband.

WIN! A year’s subscription (or extension) to Buzz Words valued at $48! To win, just leave a comment on this post, 40 words or less, telling us your favourite month as a child, and why. Competition closes 5pm 21 November 2013.


  1. As a kid, always January which meant long hot lazy days in the pool with buckets and buckets of juicy stone fruits to wolf down afterwards, chilled from the fridge. It was also a time to enjoy the fruits of the festive season; left over fruit mince pies, cold ham sandwiches and pressies to play with all summer long. :-)

  2. December was (and is) my favorite as it contains Christmas, New Year's Eve AND my birthday. Even though the latter falls four days before Christmas Day, my parents always gave me a separate celebration and presents. A happy month!

  3. It seems like summer is the favourite time of year for us Aussies! Any takers for winter?

  4. I have to agree with mcg's comment. December was always my favourite month because it contained Christmas. Next favourite was whatever month Easter happened to fall in.

  5. September was my favourite month... Why? Well, it’s three-fold:
    One, because it meant the end of Winter’s bitter cold,
    Two – the Spring’s green beauty would soon start to unfold,
    And three, it welcomed October 1, making me another year old!

    Thanks for the chance :)

    Also I'm dying to get my hands on An Aussie Year, looks like such a sweet book! Will have to check my local bookshops!

  6. Love all these lovely comments, everyone! So hard to choose a winner!

  7. Congratulations to Say Anything. You've won the year's subscription to Buzz Words. Contact me at vicki (at) stanton (dot) id (dot (au) and I'll send your first issue out to you!


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