Sunday 5 June 2016

Clever Trevor’s Stupendous Inventions

Clever Trevor’s Stupendous Inventions by Andrew Weldon (Puffin Books) PB RRP $9.99
ISBN 9780143309154

Reviewed by Dianne Bates

Weldon has both written and illustrated this highly imaginative book which is sure to amuse and thoroughly engage readers from 7+ years, especially children who are usually reluctant readers. There is not much written text on each page, but always there are black and white line illustrations in a cartoon style.

Clever Trevor, the story goes, ‘may even have been the most smartest kid in the whole    WORLD.’ Trevor (real name Stuart but he’s called Trevor because it rhymes with clever) is always inventing things, such as inflatable bathers, ceiling fan fun rides and (invented when he was only four), a bicky picker-upper. Despite these strokes of genius, the boy fails at school. His teacher, Mr Shmedic is not a happy man...and Trevor is always on his wrong side. Problems start when the teacher starts confiscating – and selling – Trevor’s brilliant inventions.

Of course this is where the real fun of the book kicks in – Trevor and his friends are determined to thwart Schmedic. They do this (eventually) with the help of a Stinkometer (which, as one child says ‘smells worse than grandpa.’) No doubt Trevor is super clever!

This is a fun book which will have children laughing and re-reading the written and pictorial text over and over.

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