Sunday 13 December 2020

Disgusting McGrossface on Holiday

Disgusting McGrossface on Holiday by Rove McManus (Scholastic) ISBN 9781760973827 PB RRP $17.99

Reviewed by Claire Stuckey

This book builds on the character developed in the first book Disgusting McGrossface who left muddy tracks through the house. McManus takes the family, the child and McGrossface on holidays and a new focus problem, sandy towels on the floor, every beach dweller’s curse.

Our disgusting character shares a great number of ways to gross out any parent. habits such as using pond slime for sunscreen, spraying on bug attracting spray and playing in manure. All these gross habits are captured in bright, dark and lime green colour. The sordid story keeps building on how many disgusting ways to provoke attention but concludes with the concept that a sandy towel is not that bad.

While the rhyming text provides some fun, the rather gross habits such as dirty baby nappies as a hat and baggy shorts that highlight bum cracks did not make this a standout picture book for me. Our eight-year-old relative had read the original McGrossface at school and recognised the storyline but did not give this a rave review.  This book will probably be popular with parents who follow Rove’s comedy and television appearances, others might select the humour to encourage a reluctant reader. Some children do really enjoy gross antics so this book would be suitable for them.  Ages 4 - 7 years.


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