Friday 9 June 2023

Book Launch: Wingdom by Dianne Ellis

Come to the launch of Wingdom by Dianne Ellis!

Date:  Sunday, 23rd July 2023

Where:  South Coast Writers Centre, Coledale

Time: 1.30pm with afternoon tea included

Title: Wingdom by Dianne Ellis

Blurb:  At age 11, Flynn's strong beliefs in saving all creatures, including the smallest insects, often make him a target for ridicule. He befriends Jack, a new classmate who shares a love for winged creatures and who was bequeathed a tiny pair of wings from a dying moth, allowing him access into a flying kingdom called Wingdom.

Jack invites Flynn to travel with him and they share a wondrous time flying and making new friends in Wingdom until some hideous giant spiders entrap them. With great effort, they escape but only with the help of two brave dragonflies who send farting fireballs to the spiders.

Follow Jack and Flynn on their thrilling yet spine-chilling adventure into this world of wings and beyond.

Author Dianne Ellis has created this delightful tale showcasing the importance of friendship, caring for others and believing in yourself. Dare to dream!

Readership: Junior fiction for 8-11 years.

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