Thursday 1 June 2023

Quiet Time with My Seeya

Quiet Time with My Seeya by Dinalie Dabarera (Allen & Unwin) HB RRP $24.99 ISBN: 9781761180286

Reviewed by Dannielle Viera

A child enjoys spending time with their seeya (grandfather) and engaging in a range of activities, from stomping in puddles and preparing pittu to playing video games and riding bikes. Although they speak different languages, they can communicate through the power of love. Because of this, the twosome shares a bond that transcends age and ability. When quiet time descends and they read to one other, each might not know all the words spoken by the other – but they understand the meaning.

Dinalie Dabarera’s gentle story is an ode to intergenerational connections that cross cultural boundaries to enrich lives. Caring companionship and quality time together trump trivial chat and ensure that each memory-making moment is perceived and celebrated. Kids aged three to six will discover the joy of being in the present with those they cherish and basking in the glow of unconditional love.

Colour and texture dance across Dinalie’s pencil-drawn illustrations, delighting young eyes. There is plenty of white space so merry vignetted images project from the pages. With his snowy hair and beard, the child’s grandfather is reminiscent of Santa Claus – this visual association emphasises seeya’s kindliness and generosity.

A perfect book to snuggle into just before bed, Quiet Time with My Seeya is as soft and warm as a security blanket. Adults and children alike will adore the tender message about generational affection that emanates from the comforting tome.

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