Friday 28 July 2023

Being Jimmy Baxter

Being Jimmy Baxter by Fiona Lloyd (Puffin) PB RRP $16.99 ISBN 9781760148515

Reviewed by Kylie Buckley

Set in 1991,
Being Jimmy Baxter is a middle-grade novel written in the first person by the protagonist, Jimmy Branthwaite. Jimmy had to change his name after fleeing domestic violence and moving to a new town with his mum. The story follows the tumultuous time in young Jimmy’s life when he is forced to take care of himself and his mum while navigating the ups and downs of starting at a new school.

Being Jimmy Baxter is a tale that is heartbreaking and heartwarming in equal measure. The story is engaging, humorous at times, and includes plenty of figurative language. It includes uplifting themes of new friendships, resilience, hope, and belonging, as well as heavier themes of domestic violence, deteriorating mental health, bullying, and child neglect. Being Jimmy Baxter is recommended for an audience aged 10 years and older.

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