Monday 31 July 2023

The Book That Grown-ups Get Wrong

The Book That Grown-ups Get Wrong by Rove McManus (Scholastic) HB RRP $19.99 ISBN 9781761204999

Reviewed by Kylie Buckley

The Book That Grown-ups Get Wrong is a humorous and fun picture book, intended for an early childhood audience. The narrator speaks directly to its young listeners about how grown-ups always seem to get this book wrong, especially when they describe the book’s pictures.

This book consists predominantly of text, in varying fonts and sizes, with the occasional large spot illustration. The vibrant pink and green colour palette and audience participation would appeal to an audience 3 years and older.

Rove McManus is an Australian comedian and media personality. His other books for children include
Disgusting McGrossface, Disgusting McGrossface on Holiday, and Rocky Lobster books 1& 2.

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