Sunday 20 August 2023

Too Many Rabbits

Too Many Rabbits by Davide Cali, illustrated by Emanuele Benetti, translated by Angus Yuen-Killick (Red Comet Press) HB RRP ISBN 978163550541

Translated from Italian into English and published in America, this picture book looks different from most as it is illustrated with black, white, and grey pictures that feature many rabbits coloured in orange.

The story starts with Owen and Zoey going to the pet shop with Dad. There they see a special offer – two rabbits for the price of one. A great deal! So, the rabbits go home with the family. However, ‘Before long, the rabbits number two hundred and ten’, which means Dad must find homes for them.

The rabbits’ new owners include a juggler, a neighbour, a street musician, and so on. In the double page spread, the reader can count the 16 orange rabbits in the Pop Art Museum…

However, when all the rabbits are in new homes, the children realise that there is none left for themselves. Thus, Dad says, ‘What would you say to a ferret instead?’

At the Pet Shop, intending to buy only one ferret, they find a sign that says, ‘This Week Only! 2 Ferrets for the Price of 1.’ And thus, the story ends.

A simple but amusing story for readers aged 6+ years old.

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