Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Baboon In a Balloon

Baboon In a Balloon by Patrick Guest, illustrated by Katie Abey. Scholastic Australia 2024. Hardcover PB. ISBN 9781761204975 RRP $18.99

Reviewed by Debra Williams

Poor old Baboon! His day is off to a wonderfully adventurous start in his hot-air balloon. However, when things begin to go wrong, he finds himself in all sorts of places and situations, but not the way he planned! Up on the moon, shot out of a cannon, or driving a car: where will he end up?  He is assisted by The Badger of Boo and The Yeti of Yay, who either cheer him on or express upset when things go awry. There’s a good ending, but where is his hat?

This is a fun rhyming story for young children, colourfully illustrated throughout. The illustrations are a little odd at times with Baboon’s colourful bottom sitting on the top of his right thigh, next to his tail, but in others it is in the correct place. Suitable for children 3+ years of age.

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