Monday 27 May 2024

Tearaway Coach

Set during the Victorian Gold Rush, Tearaway Coach by Neridah McMullin, illustrated by Andrew McLean, is a story about a journey from Ballarat to Geelong in a Cobb & Co coach.

This is the blurb: When Fenton and his father catch the coach to Geelong, they have no idea that their driver of the team of powerful horses is the famous Edward Devine - 'Cabbage tree Ned' - or of the incredible adventure that lies ahead. A breathless story of bushrangers, danger, daring and escape as Fen finds himself holding the reins of the tearaway coach.

Neridah says: “I’m a descendent of gold rush immigrants (as many Australians are) so I’d always wanted to write a story set in this period. Having horses in it was the logical thing for me to do, and then in my research I read about Cabbage Tree Ned and couldn’t resist having him in it.”

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