The Children’s Book Council of Australia has just announced the winners and honour books for 2012. Congratulations to all winners, honour books and those shortlisted. Children's literature is alive and well!

(These books are for mature readers)
Gardner, Scot The Dead I Know, Allen and Unwin
Honour Books: Older Readers
Condon, Bill A Straight Line to My Heart, Allen and Unwin
Newton, Robert When We Were Two Penguin Books, Penguin Group (Australia)
Book of the Year: Younger Readers
(These books are intended for independent younger readers)
Honour Books: Younger Readers
French, Jackie Nanberry: Black Brother White Angus and Robertson, Harper Collins
Green, Susan The Truth About Verity Sparks Walker Books Australia
Book of the Year: Early Childhood
(Intended for children in the pre-reading to early reading stages)
Honour Books: Early Childhood
Hartnett, Sonya Come Down, Cat! Puffin Books,
Illus: Lucia Masciullo Penguin Group (Australia)
Honey, Elizabeth That's Not a Daffodil! Allen and Unwin
Picture Book of the Year
(Intended for an audience ranging from birth to 18 years. Some books may be for mature readers)
Arranged by Illustrator
Honour Books: Picture Book of the Year
Brooks, Ron, Text: Margaret Wild The Dream of the Thylacine Allen and Unwin
Whatley, Bruce, Text: Jackie French Flood Omnibus Books, Scholastic Australia
Eve Pownall Award for Information Books
(Intended for an audience ranging from birth to 18 years range. Some books may be for mature readers)
Honour Books: Eve Pownall Award for Information Books
Qld Art Gallery Surrealism for Kids Qld Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art
In a previous BWB post, I had a stab at picking the winners. See how I did!
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