Friday 22 May 2020

Rachel Carson, Scientists Who Changed the World

Rachel Carson, Scientists Who Changed the World by Anita Croy (EK Books)
Hardback, 88 pages RRP $24.99 ISBN 9781925820690

Reviewed by Karen Hendriks

Rachel Carson is a book that is part of a series designed to help children learn about scientists who changed the world. Rachel Carson’s discoveries changed our understanding of the natural world and the impact of humans. Protecting the earth is her legacy.

This book has six chapters. It starts with a biography and then moves onto background information about the natural world and saving our environment. I particularly like the use of timelines to show the changes through time as awareness and understanding about our environment developed. Another strength of the book is the direct quotes by Carson sprinkled throughout the pages. Her skills as both a scientist and a writer combined to give a powerful voice to her discoveries about the natural world. Her childhood shaped her personality and set her onto a lifelong path of environmental pursuits. Rachel Carson wrote the New York Times bestselling book Silent Spring.

The six chapters include photos, quotes, facts, and varied page layouts with colourful illustrations where a child can open the book and read what interests them. The book doesn’t have to be read in order and is reader friendly. It supports STEM in our schools and there is a glossary and information about books and websites for further information for the curious child.

Rachel Carson’s achievements were many and her contributions to our world are still topical and relevant today. A child can be inspired to know that they can make a difference in the world with lots of hard work, persistence, and patience.

Rachel Carson is a book that will fascinate any child 10-13 years with an interest in the natural world. This book is part of a series about scientists who really did shape and change our world in momentous ways.

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