Thursday 24 December 2020

Beneath the Trees

Beneath the Trees by Christy Burne (Freemantle Press) ISBN 9781760990411 RRP $14.99 PB 

Reviewed by Claire Stuckey

After travelling across Australia to visit family living in a subtropical rainforest, the first thing Cam and Sophie want to do is see a platypus. Although it is pouring with rain, cousins Liv and Jack walk them to the bridge where they do see a platypus, but it has a rubber ring caught on its neck. Jack decides to help but he slips into the raging torrent. Sophie also slips and Cam dives in to help but the three children are tossed around, eventually escaping wet and cold downstream. Lost, wet, and cold, Cam works hard to return them to safety, but the difficult terrain and Jack’s actions impede their progress. They return after their rescue with a ranger to assist the platypus as the flooding subsides.

Full page black and white illustrations break the text for readers, also providing emphasis to their plight. This is a great action adventure book with interesting factual references including how leeches survive!

Adding to Cristy’s other Australian adventure stories, this title is highly recommended for those children who have moved past simple chapter books.

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