Sunday 4 July 2021

Who Fed Zed?

Who Fed Zed? by Amelia McInerney, illustrated Adam Nickel (Allen & Unwin) HB RRP $24.99 ISBN9781760524432

Reviewed by Kathleen Grace

Here is a humorous picture book about Ted, Ned and Fred, Fred's dog, Jed, and Fred's fish, Zed, from the author of The Book Chook and the illustrator of the phenomenally successful No One Likes a Fart.

Zed is a red and white fish in a bowl which has a long thread of poo. However, Fred has said, ‘Never, ever feed Fred with bread’, but someone has done exactly this which has resulted in the poo problem. The vet, wondering why Fred is half-dead, demands to know, ‘What’s this fish been fed? When Fred confesses, she says, ‘No more bread!’

Ted, Ned and Fred wonder why the powder he’s put on Jed the dog hasn’t worked, but guess what? Fred the goldfish is sick again… Fred has accidentally fed him flea powder instead of fish food! Fortunately, Jed survives and at the end of the day the three friends, as well as Edwina, head up to bed.

The author, McInerney, has a child who is allergic to certain foods so she has written this book to alert parents and young readers to how accidents can occur around the problem. This is a simple book with lots of rhyme and rhythm, sure to be enjoyed by children aged four years and older.

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