Thursday 18 May 2023

Shortest Bedtime Story Ever

Shortest Bedtime Story Ever written by David Campbell, Illustrated by Samar Kabir (Scholastic Australia) HB RRP $18.99 ISBN 978171203435

Reviewed by Sarah Tegerdine

Shortest Bedtime Story Ever is David Campbell latest release. A hilarious brand-new picture book dedicated and inspired by his children, and I would dare say, to parenthood as well.

Our narrator commences by introducing us to a Prince and a Princess, they meet, they fall in love and live happily ever after, THE END.

But no, there is more because that’s just not enough, is it? So, begins yet another tale about the Prince and Princess until story satisfaction has been achieved. Or does it?

Shortest Bedtime Story Ever is comedic gold for parents and kids alike.

Parents and caregivers to children can all relate: the bedtime battle can be very real. It also subtly reminds us that storytelling builds connection, it keeps us present which ultimately provides the space to create the best of memories.

Illustrations by Samar Kabir bring the story to life throughout with quirky fun imagery.

Recommended for children 3 years of age and up

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