Tuesday 4 June 2024

Time to Rest

Time to Rest written by Jack Carty and illustrated by Natasha Carty (Scholastic Australia) PB RRP $18.99 ISBN 9781761294631

Reviewed by Sarah Tegerdine

Time to Rest is an exquisitely whimsical, Australian lullaby for children; designed to aid and encourage young minds to discover calmness in rest and sleep.

The sun is setting on a busy day, dipping beyond view, the birds roost among the treetops. A Mother and child cosy up close.

‘The Sun is sinking low, my darling,
the birds are in their nests.
And you have spent the day exploring,
so now it’s time to rest...’

On each page, we follow unique Australian wildlife and their natural environments, they reflect the mother and child in the story, and by the end, all is quiet, darkness has fallen, the moon is high, and all find sleep, happy, and safe.

The Illustrations by Natasha Carty lift the lyrical words right off the page. They are beautiful and engaging, colourful yet calm.

My Miss Four has requested this picture book many times since its arrival and what has made it a firm favourite was the addition of a unique QR code. A link that allows you to hear the lullaby sang by the creator. It just takes the experience to a new level for young children and their caregivers.

It’s special!

Time to rest casts a spell that speaks of the Australian Landscape, calmness, safety, love, and timeless wonder.

Recommended for children aged 3 years and up.

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