Friday 9 August 2013

Lilli and Shadow in Trouble

Lilli and Shadow in Trouble by Laura Dudgeon and Sabrina Dudgeon (Fremantle Press)
PB RRP $9.99
ISBN 97819220893
Reviewed by Anastasia Gonis

These two books are from the Waarda series created in 2009 by Sally Morgan, the UWA Centre for Indigenous Studies and Fremantle Press. The series is composed of junior fiction titles written by emerging Indigenous writers ‘to encourage literacy and cultural awareness’. Waarda is Nyungar for talking and sharing stories. The series was created ‘in response to the lack of Indigenous resources available for first readers’.

Lilli is spending the school holidays up north with her Nan whom she loves dearly. But she equally loves her magical dingo cat friend and guardian spirit Shadow, who can change shape and disappear into hard surfaces like Nan’s mango tree which is his home.

But something is wrong with Shadow. A creature named Glog has taken over residence in the mango tree which strengthens Shadow. Glog has lost his former home in the mangrove swamp to other creatures, therefore is becoming weak and is fading.

Lilli gives Glog her lucky ribbon bracelet that her friend Alice gave her when they said goodbye. This strengthens Glog while Nan finds a new mangrove tree for him to move into. ‘As soon as we are together again, life becomes an adventure’ Lilli tells Shadow.

Laura Dudgeon is 19 years old and this is her second book. Her first book Lilli and her Shadow was published when she was sixteen years old.

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