Friday 31 January 2020

Foot Hand Elbow Nose

Foot Hand Elbow Nose by Kiah Thomas, Connah Brecon (Little Hare Books) HB RRP $19.99 ISBN 9781760602027

Reviewed by Karen Hendriks

Here is an hilarious picture book for young children that is quirky, imaginative, and brightly illustrated. Foot Hand Elbow Nose looks at a foot who has had enough of being a foot and demands to be swapped as a hand. Max feels sad and agrees. Then other body parts want to swap too. Max becomes exhausted from all the changes and finally shouts ‘enough!’ It really is best to be yourself. This is an engaging story for young children that really does make you laugh.  

The illustrations not only support the text but play on the fun of the body part swaps with speech bubbles and hilarious characters brought to life in cartoon like scenes. The purple cover captures the eye and the use of sky blue in varying degrees on each page adds to the story. The illustrations add funny extra layers of meaning to the story.

Foot Hand Elbow Nose is a lively, eccentric picture book that captures the imagination.

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